Download The Case of The Curious Corpse by Howard of Warwick (.ePUB)

The Case of The Curious Corpse by Howard of Warwick (The Chronicles of Brother Hermitage #8)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 706kb
Overview: More medieval crime comedy; the genre that hides in the bushes and makes strange noises.

Brother Hermitage is compelled to yet another investigation by the sight of a most curious corpse. Helpful compulsion also comes in the shape of a dozen well-armed Norman soldiers and the King’s man Le Pedvin, who will probably stab him if he doesn’t get on with it.

Clearly this a Very Important Victim.

Suspicions are raised by a host of fascinating characters, including Hereward the Wake, all of whom claim to have loved the victim dearly, but who all benefit from the death in one way or another.

It’s also a bit odd that King William insists that he is not to blame, despite boasting about being the killer of an awful lot of other people.

On top of all that there is even a rival for the role of Investigator. As Hermitage doesn’t want to be an investigator that’s good, isn’t it?

Ploughing in with Wat and Cwen at his back, side and sometimes in front, Brother Hermitage relies on his well established methodology (hoping something occurs to him at the last minute). With all that’s going on around this particular death, that might not be enough…
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


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