Download The Sweetest Sacrifice by Elle Mae (.ePUB)

The Sweetest Sacrifice by Elle Mae
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 140 KB
Overview: Ruby
I wanted to get away from the pain, be somewhere where no one knew me… or cared.
As it turns out being alone in one of the most haunted towns of the country was probably a bad idea.

I should have run when he visited my dreams on the first night…. And now he has a hold on me that I am unable to shake.


I have lost count of the years that I have been locked in this time while the townspeople parade, mocking me for my failure. The only thing that keeps me going is my ability to feed off of sex-fueled dreams… but it is not enough anymore.

Not when I met her.

I knew that I needed to feel her. Control her. Consume her.

And it was only a matter of time…. After all, it’s Halloween and I am finally due to be summoned.
Genre: Fiction > Erotic


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