Download The Sovereign Sister by Mac Fortner (.ePUB)

The Sovereign Sister by Mac Fortner (Sunny Ray Series Book 3)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 440 kb

Sunny Ray is back again in the third book of the trilogy. Sunny is living the life until his old girlfriend, Lori, turns up again and throws him a curveball. This time it appears she has all the power and uses it to take down Wanta Mea.

Sunny is devastated until he learns something new about himself. He’s not the man he thought he was. He’s something a lot more powerful.

Using his brains and his brawn, Sunny fights and loves his way through the battle of his life. All bets are off when it comes to saving Rumora and his wife Wanta Mea.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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