Download The Source Code of Happiness by Rob Broadhead (.PDF)

The Source Code of Happiness: Finding Joy and Success in an IT career by Rob Broadhead
Requirements: .PDF reader, 1.3 MB
Overview: The fast-paced world of IT is perfect for someone that wants a fulfilling career with good pay and a constantly changing environment. However, this can be a hard road to navigate while keeping your health and sanity. This book covers a wide range of topics to help you chart a course through your career that will lead to success and (more importantly) help you stay happy in your job. We will look at how to learn without spending every free hour researching, ways to launch a side hustle, improving communication skills, and much more.Whether you are just starting out or trying to plan your next career move, this has advice, suggestions, and warnings to help you make the best decision for you. One that fits your goals, desires, and even your stage of life. The source for this comes from decades of experience the author has along with countless discussions and observations across the software development industry. The focus is on software development and how to become a better developer, but many of the suggestions apply to anyone in the IT industry.
Genre: Non-Fiction > General


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