Download The Sound of Claws: Dark & Light Editions by E.V. Sauvage (.ePUB)

The Sound of Claws: Dark & Light Editions by E.V. Sauvage (Sound of Battle Book 2)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader, 2.6 MB
Overview: WARNING: This book exists in two editions.
Genre: Romance, Fantasy

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2, The Sound of Claws: dark edition: Tasha, magically bound to the Irisdian Family, is about to go on a perilous journey with the dark prince Adam.
Misha is starting a new life among the riders and their gryffons.
But nothing is ever so easy…
New adventures, secrets, and prophecies await Tasha and Misha…
But are they ready for them?

2. The Sound of Claws: light edition: WARNING: This book exists in two editions, this is the YA-friendly edition
Tasha, magically bound to the Irisdian Family, is about to go on a perilous journey with the dark prince Adam.
Misha is starting a new life among the riders and their gryffons.
But nothing is ever so easy…
New adventures, secrets, and prophecies await Tasha and Misha…
But are they ready for them?

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