Download The Small Newspaper on Rose Street by Luella Christie (.ePUB)

The Small Newspaper on Rose Street by Luella Christie
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 420 KB
Overview: There are two sides to every dilemma. Even when it is not in the right place, a blackmailer still has a heart.
Someone is blackmailing Police Constable Lud St Edmund. They are demanding ten thousand pounds in cash or they will inform the Metropolitan Police he is writing serials for the local rag under a pseudonym. At the blackmailer’s instructions, St Edmund goes to Conwenna, a picturesque village on the Cornish coast, to pay up. On his arrival, the villagers pile more blackmails on him when they realise he will do anything to keep his secret hidden. He needs the money his serials rake in so cannot quit his side project. But will he cope under the mounting pressure of the blackmails?
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


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