Download The Slough of Despond by Tim C. Taylor (.ePUB)

The Slough of Despond by Tim C. Taylor (The Reality War Book #1)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader | 505 kb
Overview: In 1992, Radlan Saravanan runs a small business out of a Tudor cottage in the sleepy English village of Elstow. But Radlan was born in 2951, and when he falls in love with a local girl, he has to choose between running from his own people and condemning his lover to die.
He makes the wrong choice.
Travelling into the past, falling in love… it turns out he was meant to do these things. He’s been manipulated all along, but now he’s slipped his handlers, and Time is no longer following the right script. Other versions of history vie for dominance, and our reality is losing.
In 1992, Radlan Saravanan sparked The Reality War.
Genre: Science Fiction


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