Download The Shadow Witches in Time Series by Connie Di Pietro (.ePUB)

The Shadow Witches in Time Series by Connie Di Pietro (1-2)
Requirements: epub, mobi, azw3 reader, 763 kb
Overview: Connie Di Pietro, lives the small village life in Brooklin, Ontario, Canada, with her husband, four kids, a barn cat, and an Old English Sheepdog named Odin.
Genre: Romance


1. In The Shadow of the Stones – After two women are hanged for witchcraft, Emily joins her coven to hide together within the walls of Llanllugan Abbey. But things don’t seem to be quite right. Questioning the elder’s motives to hide the coven and the accuracy of the elder’s magick, finds Emily in constant hot water.
Plagued with inaccurate premonitions, clumsy magickal practices, and rapidly growing powers Emily fumbles her way into the graces of some of her sister witches.
A coven to learn from, powerful magick to possess, and the freedom to practice her craft were all Emily thought she ever wanted. Until she met the friar from the nearby monastery. Love changes everything.
A friar, dedicated to a life of celibacy and servitude, Liam is the last man Emily thought she’d ever fall in love with. Despite her sister’s and coven leaders’ protests, their souls are connected through the ages.

2. In the Shadow of Death – With hidden pathways through the walls of the manor, nothing can keep Emily from seeing Liam, except maybe the encroaching fear that danger lurks around the next corner.
Risque fashions, lavish dinner parties with dignitaries, and magick hidden in the open, 1719 Toulon, France is proving to be nothing like 16th Century Wales.
With her elder’s magick erratically shifting them through time, Emily is chosen to take Harriet’s place, but to be the next coven leader, she must get rid of the only man she’s ever loved.
Emily dreams of a simple cottage life in Lincoln, England with Liam at her side, and so her choice is easy. She’ll refuse the position and time travel home but before Emily can do just that, illness sweeps through the land and they’re stuck.
To complicate matters, the arrival of a street urchin at their door has Harriet, the coven leader, losing her mind forcing Emily to step up. A little black magick changes everything, forcing Emily to ponder, what is a soul worth and who would you die for?

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