Download The Secret of Altamura by Dick Rosano (.ePUB)

The Secret of Altamura: Nazi Crimes, Italian Treasure by Dick Rosano
Requirements: ePUB reader, 2.2 mb
Overview: Following the success of Tuscan Blood and Hunting Truffles, Dick Rosano has published The Secret of Altamura: Nazi Crimes, Italian Treasure. It is 1943 and the Nazis control large swaths of Italy. Colonel Anselm Bernhardt devotes his attention to stealing Italian art – and violating Italian women – but there is one great treasure that he covets most. In modern times, his grandson is sworn to make amends for Bernhardt’s crimes, but he is bitten by the same temptation and averts his focus on reparation to search for the mysterious and historically vital treasure in southern Italy, a secret that if revealed could alter the course of history. Based on historical events, The Secret of Altamura will take you back to the cloud of terror that hung over wartime Italy and invite you to explore the secrets and treasures that were hidden from the Nazi invaders.
Genre: Fiction>Mystery


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