Download The Savage Country by Eric Meyer (.ePUB)

The Savage Country: (Battlegroup SS 3) by Eric Meyer
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 626 KB
Overview: Keeping ahead of the Russian juggernaut is a monumental task. Keeping ahead of other predators stalking the savage country is even more fraught with danger. Looters, seeking to profit from the chaos. SS Special Action Groups, hunting for deserters to execute, hanging them from lighting poles to deter others from abandoning the front. There are also more personal enemies. One who unjustly blamed him for crimes he didn’t commit. And another, a high-ranking Soviet officer who blamed him for a crime he didn’t commit. And would gladly commit again.

They encounter Germans who should be their allies, yet are determined to kill them. And Soviet soldiers who should be enemies yet are determined to save them. There is no clarity, no reason, no sanity in the rubble and ruin of the Thousand-Year Reich. Hour by hour, Leo Speer is in a death struggle to keep his people alive. To use every skill he has acquired before and during the war to reach safety. And to save the life of a girl for whom he would gladly sacrifice his own life. Yet even as he draws close to reaching his goal, he confronts the moments of maximum danger in a nail-biting, cliffhanger of an ending.
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


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