Download The Sands of Titans by Isabella Khalidi (.ePUB)

The Sands of Titans (Forgotten Kingdom #3) by Isabella Khalidi
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 631 KB
Overview: A woman marked by destiny.
A dark prince blinded by reason.
And a deadly game that could break them forever.

Duna’s whole life was a lie. A clever manipulation of her memories by the one person that she should have been able to trust. He claims that it was the only way to keep her safe, but Fate always has a way of catching up. Now, Duna’s path has brought her back to the one place where it all began, the Forgotten Kingdom – her home.

An ancient evil stirs, once more. A single tip of the scales and it will be released from its cage into the human realms, where nothing will be able to stop its total destruction of the mortal world. Nothing – but a secret prophecy long foretold on the eve of battle.

When rumors of war reach Duna, she finds herself facing her biggest regret, where she will do anything to protect the man of her heart. Even become his greatest enemy.

When lives are at stake, can true love ever survive?
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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