Download The Road to GraphQL by Robin Wieruch (.PDF)

The Road to GraphQL: Your Journey to Master Pragmatic GraphQL in JavaScript With React.js and Node.js by Robin Wieruch
Requirements: .PDF reader, 1.2 MB
Overview: The Road to GraphQL is your personal journey to master pragmatic GraphQL in JavaScript. The book is full with applications you are going to build along the way with React.js and Node.js. Afterward, you will be able to implement full-stack JavaScript applications. I wrote the The Road to GraphQL over the last year, while building several GraphQL applications for my clients and for myself. During this time, I came to understand the practical genius of GraphQL, and how it dramatically improves communication in client-server architectures. Not only does it improve the interface between the client and the server, it also enhances client-side state management by eliminating remote data management. Sophisticated GraphQL libraries like Apollo Client provide powerful features like caching, optimistic UI, and data prefetching for free. This book covers the fundamentals of GraphQL itself, as well as its ecosystem. I applied the same principles as my other books: Stay pragmatic Keep it simple Answer the why, not just the how Experience a problem, solve a problem
Genre: Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices


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