Download The Rebound by Emma Cove (.ePUB)

The Rebound by Emma Cove (Thistle Down Farm Book 1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 358 kb
Overview: Grumpy meets sunshine in a Highland romance.

After Dylan broke up with her long-term boyfriend in Boston, she decided to spend the summer travelling around Europe. First stop. Crossmackie, Scotland, where her Grannie Jo grew up. She had no intentions of having a summer rebound, but when her best friend Crystal talks her into it, she doesn’t think it’s such a bad idea.

When Dylan arrives in Crossmackie, the whole village treats her like a homecoming queen. All but one person.

Cam MacTavish can’t stand Dylan and her beautiful, long golden hair. He tries to stay away from her, but in a small village like Crossmackie, it is next to impossible. Cam’s traumatic past is keeping him from letting people in, but when he starts getting to know Dylan, things change.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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