Download The Razzamatazz Fun eBook by Terry Ravenscroft (.ePUB)

The Razzamatazz Fun eBook by Terry Ravenscroft
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 326 KB
Overview: The Razzamatazz Fun eBook is a compendium of a some of the sketches from Terry Ravenscroft’s award-winning radio series ‘Star Terk Two’, along with stories, parodies, humorous newspaper and magazine advertisements, quizzes, games, cod new book announcements, job applications, travel brochures, restaurant menus, cookbooks, theme park ads, wedding lists, and what have you. Plus The Razzamatazz Not Entirely PC Encyclopaedia.
Within the many pages of The Razzamatazz Fun eBook you’ll discover what it’s like to travel with UneasyJet; take part in the quiz ‘Are You Capable of Bestiality?; read about the latest blockbusters from Northern Books (they’re grand!); enjoy a game of Lad’s Night Out; and peruse the menu of top Indian restaurant A Passage to India (and bottom restaurant A Back Passage to India).
There is something for everyone and next to nothing for no one in The Razzamatazz Fun Ebook.
Genre: Non-Fiction > General


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