Download The Punisher: Soviet by Garth Ennis and Jacen Burrows (.CBR)

The Punisher: Soviet by Garth Ennis, Jacen Burrows, Guillermo Ortega and Nolan Woodard
Requirements: .CBR/.CBZ reader, 199MB
Overview: Garth Ennis returns to the world of the Punisher. A dozen Russian mobsters lie dead at Frank Castle’s feet, but he wasn’t the one who pulled the trigger. You’d think that the Punisher would celebrate, but if you know Frank, you’ll know that this unexpected turn of events just stirs up more questions. Who is Valery Stepanovich? Why did he mow down a room full of mobsters? These are questions Frank is going to answer and then decide if Valery deserves his own punishment. But what will happen when these two criminal hunters come face-to-face? Seeds planted decades ago in Moscow and Afghanistan are about to bloom bloody in New York City in an all-new tale by the writer who gets Frank Castle like no other.
Genre: Comics


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