Download The Professional by Aidèe (Aidee) Jaimes (.ePUB)

The Professional by Aidèe Jaimes (World of Ember Book 1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 258 kb
Overview: She’s a professional temptress. Someone women hire to seduce their husbands when they stand to lose everything if they walk away from a marriage unless he has an affair.

When Mila is hired to bring down Bruce Wessex, he immediately knows what she is. This is not the first time his wife has tried to take what he’s worked hard to build.

For years he’s ignored all other women, but Mila is different. She tempts him like no other, and the vulnerability she tries to hide has him desperate to learn her dark secrets.

Even knowing she’s a professional liar, he’s unable to resist, and realizes there’s only one thing left to do. Hire her to lie to him and make him believe in love once again, and if she succeeds, he’ll give her his soul.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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