Download The Prestons Series (1-4) by Katherine Grant (.ePUB)

The Prestons Series by Katherine Grant (#1-4)
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Overview: Katherine Grant writes award-winning Regency Romance novels for the modern reader. Her writing has been recognized by Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards, the Next Generation Indie Book Awards, and the National Indie Excellence Awards. If you love ballgowns, secret kisses, and social commentary, a book hangover is coming your way.
Genre: Fiction > Romance

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Book #1 – The Viscount Without Virtue
When she discovers her family’s enemy is hiding in plain sight, what choice does a lady have but to seduce him?
Maximilian Hainsworth, Viscount Berwick, is on a mission: to write a scathing expose of England’s most famous country estate, Northfield Hall. While much of England praises Northfield Hall for its egalitarian economy and boycott of foreign imports, Max knows that the Preston family must have an alternative hidden income to explain Northfield’s prosperity. Max is determined to uncover their secrets and humiliate the Prestons with an inflammatory report.
Disguised as a carpenter, he gets himself hired so he can learn Northfield Hall’s secret ins and outs. A few things quickly go wrong with his plan:
He doesn’t bring his own tools
No one is willing to speak ill of the Prestons
He keeps accidentally flirting with Miss Ellen Preston
Ellen can see plain as day that the new carpenter’s assistant lied about his experience with woodwork. She is willing to overlook this, especially since he is handsome and easy to talk to. However, when she overhears him asking strange questions, she does some investigating – and discovers he is one of her father’s biggest political enemies. Taking the matter into her own hands, Ellen vows to delay Max’s report any way she can.
Even if that means kissing him again.
Working against each other, Max and Ellen begin asking difficult questions about Northfield Hall. What they discover forces each of them to rethink their own assumptions and answer for themselves: are their principles more important than love?

Book #2 – The Governess Without Guilt
One bored governess, one handsome doctor, and unlimited unchaperoned nighttime activities. What could possibly go wrong?
Sophia Preston wants adventure, excitement, and self-determination. She hired herself out as a governess to gain independence, and now she has it at Robin Abbey: every day, she gets to mind the Cosgrove children, eat the Cosgrove’s food, and live by Cosgrove’s rules.
When John Anderson arrives as accoucheur ahead of Lady Widlake’s next baby, Sophia immediately sees the potential for excitement. Who wouldn’t want to seduce the handsome young doctor who is guaranteed to move on once Lady Widlake’s baby is born?
John doesn’t mind flirting with the intriguing governess – as long as they aren’t caught. He has goals, and they don’t include ruining his reputation. Still, he must admit that Miss Preston is everything he ever wanted in a woman: smart, beautiful, unlike anyone else he has ever met…
When counterfeit bank notes surface in town, the authorities suspect someone at Robin Abbey is the criminal. Suddenly, both Sophia and John are put under the microscope. They have no choice but to band together to find the true culprit. The only question is: will they find true love, too?

Book #3 – The Charmer Without a Cause
Everyone knows that a happy marriage begins with a lot of money and one good lie…
When Benjamin Preston falls in love with Lady Lydia Deveraux at first sight, his family thinks this is the start of yet another of his failed courtships. Benjamin is almost as surprised as they are when Lydia encourages his attention and even agrees to marry him. His family suspects she is after his newly-inherited ten thousand pounds, but Benjamin holds out hope that at last he has found his true love.
Lydia can’t help finding Benjamin attractive. After all, he is handsome, kind, and compassionate. But her heart belongs to Ireland – and to an Irish rebel who died for the cause of freedom. Now Lydia is determined to marry for wealth and political influence so she can help free Ireland from Britain’s rule.
Even if that means trapping Benjamin in a loveless marriage.
As their courtship progresses, Lydia and Benjamin find themselves caught in a web of lies, plots, and unquenchable lust. The only question is: can they help Ireland without breaking each other’s hearts?
This latest installment of The Prestons from award-winning author Katherine Grant works as a standalone or a continuation of the series.

Book #4 – The Sailor Without a Sweetheart
Is love worth giving a second chance?
Six years ago, Amy Lamplugh decided not to elope with Nate Preston. Ever since, she has been working hard to convince herself she was right to choose her family over Nate.
Now, Nate is back. After an illustrious career as a naval captain, he faces a court martial for disobeying orders while fighting the slave trade. He accepts an invitation to await the trial at a country estate outside of Portsmouth – and discovers he is suddenly neighbors with Amy.
Nate is shocked to find that Amy didn’t end up marrying someone rich and titled. Instead, she is a glorified companion to her younger sister – and is clearly battling some unnamed illness.
Thrown together by circumstances outside their control, Nate and Amy try to be friends. Soon, it becomes clear that their feelings for each other never died.
Do they dare risk their hearts again? Has anything changed, or are they destined for heartbreak once more?

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