Download The Politicians and the Egalitarians by Sean Wilentz (.MP3)

The Politicians and the Egalitarians by Sean Wilentz
Requirements: .MP3 reader, 353MB
Overview: Historian Sean Wilentz presents two key insights that together reveal a clearer, much-needed vision of American political history.

First, partisanship has almost always been a feature of American history and in fact has made possible the nation’s greatest social reforms. There is little to be gained from a "postpartisan" political world. Second, the recent attention to economic inequality has a long history. From the founders’ generation to the present, America’s egalitarian tradition has appeared and reappeared like an underground river.

This egalitarian tradition has triumphed – in the Civil War and Progressive eras, the New Deal, the Great Society – not through some sort of bipartisan partnership nor through outsiders’ vital protests but through contentious yet effective party politics.
Genre: Audiobooks > Non-Fiction


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