Download The Plant-Based Diet CookBook by Marg D. Wright (.ePUB)

The Plant-Based Diet CookBook: 100 Healthy & Easy To Cook Plant-Based Nutrition Recipes For Beginners by Marg D. Wright
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 625 KB
Overview: A plant-based diet is a type of diet based on real whole foods derived from plants, including nuts, seeds, fruits, legumes, vegetables and whole grain with little or no animal products. A plant-based diet is a health beneficiary diet that contains alot of natural nutrients that is not usually available in processed animal foods.

A plant-based diet assists in reducing high blood sugar, increasing weight loss, preventing type 2 diabetes, inflammatory diseases, several heart related dieseases and adding to the life longetivity of an individual.

This Plant-Based Diet CookBook is the complete plant-based diet cookbook for any plant-based diet beginner, vegetarian or veteran vegan with the desire for new, easy to cook and delicious plant based recipes to enjoy.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Food & Drink


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