Download The Phoenix Trilogy by Jessica Piro (.ePUB)

The Phoenix Trilogy by Jessica Piro (#1-2)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.3 MB
Overview: Jessica is a writer in a wheelchair and has Type 1 Diabetes. She is an action-packed suspense thriller author, and her works mainly cater to NA, and Adults.
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller

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Ascension of the Phoenix (#1)
With her martial arts skills and nearly flawless arrest record, Detective Leila Wells is one of New York City’s Finest. A serial killer, who leaves no victim alive, devastates her world, but leaves her breathing.
Street fighting gives her release. Successes with her partner grant them an invitation to the Rulers of the Realms Fighting Tag Tournament.
Leila’s emotional wounds begin to heal but suspicions mount that the competition isn’t as innocent as it appears. As she recovers, a power rises within her—a dark and angry blaze urging her toward revenge.
Can she discover what agenda links her to this tournament?
Will she lose control to her dark side?
To rise from ashes, one must be a phoenix.

The Dragon of Russia (#2)
Leila Wells embraced her dark side, the Phoenix, during the Ruler of the Realms Tournament but controlling it is difficult. She must before she kills someone she cares for.
Opportunity allows her to leave New York City…
… and she finds danger in Russia.
A Spetsnaz team intervenes, and she ends up hiding with them and their menacing leader, Dragunov—the feared Dragon of Russia. The two dark sides clash but also find connection, understanding.
Could this man help her find balance?
Could he be the one meant for her?
The scheme revolving around her strengthens; they can’t evade the sinister fate ahead.
A phoenix can only bring about destruction.

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