Download The Perfect Couple by Jackie Kabler (.MP3)

The Perfect Couple by Jackie Kabler, Narrated by Elaine Claxton, Hattie Ladbury
Requirements: .MP3 reader, 314.6 MB, 11 hours and 27 minutes
Overview: A devoted wife…A year ago, Gemma met the love of her life, Danny. Since then, their relationship has been perfect. But one evening, Danny doesn’t return home.

A missing husband…Gemma turns to the police. She is horrified by what she discovers – a serial killer is on the loose in Bristol. When she sees photos of the victims she is even more stunned…they all look just like Danny.

Who would you believe? But the police are suspicious. Why has no one apart from Gemma heard from Danny in weeks? Why is there barely a trace of him in their flat? Is she telling them the truth, or is this marriage hiding some very dark secrets?
Genre: Audiobooks > Fiction > Psychological Thriller


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