Download The Overcomers by Alef Meulenberg (.ePUB)

The Overcomers: Stories and Lessons from Entrepreneurs of a Resilient Nation by Alef Meulenberg
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 5.5 MB
Overview: What would you do if you suddenly lost everything? If the business you’ve put your heart and soul into is gone overnight? This question became a reality for many entrepreneurs whose businesses were destroyed during the looting of July 2021 in South Africa.

Alef Meulenberg travelled into the heart of townships like Alexandra in Johannesburg and the deep rural settings of KwaZulu-Natal to follow ten entrepreneurs who built businesses from nothing, nurtured and grew them over the years, only to lose everything during this time.

In The Overcomers Alef provides us with each of these entrepreneurs’ stories – where they come from, what they do, what happened during the looting and how they recovered from such a devastating event. And, importantly, Alef writes about the dreams of these remarkable entrepreneurs and their plans to grow their businesses going forward.
Genre: Non-Fiction > General


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