Download The Once & Future Witch Hunt by Alice Markham-Cantor (.ePUB)

The Once & Future Witch Hunt: A Descendant’s Reckoning from Salem to the Present by Alice Markham-Cantor
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 6 mb
Overview: Past and present collide in this page-turner investigation into Salem’s irrepressible question: How could this have happened?

In 1692, Martha Allen Carrier was hanged in the Salem witch trials as the "Queen of Hell." Three hundred years later, her nine-times-great-granddaughter, Alice Markham-Cantor, set out to discover why Martha had died. As she chased her ancestor through the archives, graveyards, and haunted places of New England, grappling with what we owe the past, Alice discovered a shocking truth: witch hunts didn’t end in Salem.

Extensively researched and told through alternating fiction and non-fiction chapters, The Once & Future Witch Hunt does not treat Salem as a cautionary tale. It treats Salem as an instruction manual—not on how to perform witch hunts, but how to stop them.
Genre: Non-Fiction > History


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