Download The Oath and the Keeper by Eli Freysson (.ePUB)(.AZW3)

The Oath and the Keeper by Eli Freysson (The Sea of Stars Book 2)
Requirements: epub, mobi, azw3 reader, 729 KB
Overview: How hard is it to NOT get caught up in a galaxy-shaking conflict?
Going from smuggler to freighter captain was supposed to be Gaylen’s escape from brushes with death. No more gangsters, no more gunfights, no more drama.
Now, a starship’s black box has landed in his lap. On it is a secret that a galactic superpower will do anything to get its hands on. A secret that thousands of innocent lives depend on. And just like that, Gaylen’s conscience has to act up at the worst possible time.
As a war brews on the galactic frontier, Gaylen has to contend with secret agents, pirates, and a fleet of warships.
So much for the quiet life.
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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