Download The Netherworlds by Kaylin R. Boyd (.ePUB)

The Netherworlds by Kaylin R. Boyd (The Curse of Fate 1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 644 kb
Overview: The Fates have a habit of imprisoning gods too powerful to puppeteer…

But now a god has escaped.

Imprisoned by the Fates since his youth, one lost god is completely unaware of his divinity and his foretold destiny. Trapped as both a wish-granting Jinni and a prisoner of Tartarus, he sees no hope of escape until he meets Hypnos, god of Dreams.

Hypnos’s twin brother, Thanatos, has a plan to dethrone the Fates. All he needs is a weapon, but Thanatos is not the only one looking for a weapon. He and Loki, the Norse god of chaos, recruit Eros, the Greek god of Desire, to search for a weapon inside Loki’s cluttered, hoarded townhome.

The weapon could be the lost god. Or maybe it’s the world-ending romance blooming between Loki and Eros. Or, with luck, the weapon might be found buried within Loki’s extensive “collection.”

Will the gods free themselves from Fates’ web? Or is this all just a game the Fates created to secure their hold over The Netherworlds?

All they need is a weapon powerful enough to rewrite the Fates’ design, but this weapon they need isn’t made of steel or stone, but of flesh and bone. It is the lost god himself.

The lost god must remember his true identity and access his innate, divine powers in order to save the other gods from the Fates.

But the question remains: Was he fated to escape Tartarus? And if so, then whose weapon is he really?
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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