Download The Nameless Heir by Emma Arch (.ePUB)

The Nameless Heir by Emma Arch
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 933 KB
Overview: Fallon Solveij was born to be on a throne, and let the gods hear her when she swore she would sit upon one again. No matter what it took.

A fugitive hell-bent on revenge, Fallon needs an army if she is going to reclaim her birthright as heir of the Blodvinger Clan. Alas, her reputation as Barwyn’s Bastard leads to her capture and imprisonment in enemy lands.

Fallon’s cellmate, a Hulder named Elowen, pulls back the curtain to a world straight out of her late mother’s storybooks: Faeries. The Fae were real. Promising to get Elowen home, Fallon pauses her plans of vengeance. A strange boy with mismatched eyes reluctantly helps the girls to safety, but the Fae realm of Elphyne is not as perfect as her old bedtime stories portrayed it to be.

As the last Fire Fae, Fritjof Aodh has set his sights on claiming the Ash Throne and ruling Elphyne. Unbeknownst to him, a trio of half-blooded misfits might be the last thing standing in his way. But there is a far darker enemy working in the shadows, and it is going to take more than a broken girl, an outcast boy, and an abandoned maiden to stop them.
Genre: Fiction > Children/Young Adult Fantasy


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