Download The Mind Breaker series by Marina Epley (.ePUB)+

The Mind Breaker series by Marina Epley (#1-3)
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Overview: I’m a former journalist turned full-time author who began writing at an early age. Growing up on science fiction, horror and action movies more than cartoons, where the stuff of my dreams (or nightmares) quickly evolved into the short stories I shared with classmates. Well, nothing much has really changed since, except nowadays I write for your enjoyment and reading pleasure.
Genre: Science Fiction > Dystopian

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Elimination (#1) Rex is an eighteen-year-old mind breaker hoping to keep a low profile. Unfortunately, he was forced to use hypnosis on criminals during an attempted bank robbery, revealing his abilities. Now considered a national threat to society, he has to flee through devastated countryside in order to remain alive. Even worse, by going on the run, he’s endangering his one and only friend Kitty, another strong hypnotist.
Rex soon realizes that together they make a vulnerable target. And the only way to save Kitty is to allow himself to be captured, thus diverting attention while his friend escapes. But nothing goes as planned, as his actions only serve to push Kitty into an even worse situation than a life sentence in prison. With his world falling apart, Rex must figure out how to fix his accumulating mistakes and regain their freedom before it’s too late.
What Rex doesn’t yet understand, is that he may soon play a major role in preventing all-out war between ordinary humans and mind breakers, a war which could lead to total extinction of the entire human race.

Retaliation (#2) Against all odds, Rex escapes from an Elimination prison and joins Retaliation, a rebel group consisting of humans with abilities in hypnotism, memory reading and telepathy. Unfortunately, this place turns out a bit different from the sanctuary he dreams about. Half of the rebels are hardened criminals, and the rest are merely children, kids brainwashed into hating and killing any non-breakers they encounter.
In Retaliation, Rex decides to try and change things from the inside before the criminals take over, simultaneously looking for a way to capture his hated enemy, Captain Wheeler. But it happens that the captain is always one step ahead, and has been planning an opportunity to destroy Rex. He takes Rex’s mother and sister hostage, demanding Rex to surrender. So Rex now has to figure out how to save his relatives from Wheeler and rescue trapped Retaliation recruits from the hardened criminal element currently taking over the group.
The underlying problem is that no matter what he decides, it always seems to be exactly what Elimination wanted him to do. In believing that he is fighting a just war against his enemies, Rex may well happen to be nothing more than a puppet in somebody else’s game.

Annihilation (#3) THE MIND BREAKER ANNIHILATION. The third and final book in the MIND BREAKER trilogy. For the brave ones who have navigated the roller coaster ride of the first two books, hang on, the upside down inverted portion of your ride continues.
Not all dreams are meant to be fulfilled. Somebody once said what doesn’t kill you only serves to make you stronger… well, they lied.
Rex and his team have to join forces with their worst enemies in order to have a chance to overcome an even greater threat, a level 5 breaker with Godlike powers and evil intentions.

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