Download The Meditation Guidebook for Beginners by Dane Kraus (.ePUB)+

The Meditation Guidebook for Beginners: A Mindfulness Meditation Workbook by Dane Kraus
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 1 mb
Overview: “The Meditation Guidebook for Beginners: A Mindfulness Meditation Workbook was exactly what I was hoping for and more.”–5 Stars, Readers’ Favorite

Find your inner harmony and life will be in tune.

If you’ve been struggling to reach a higher state of mind, it’s time to recognize that peace CAN be imparted. Venture alone no further. Life is short and your introduction to meditation may change everything. This book shares a wealth of information in one, groundbreaking treatise. For untold millions around the world, the art of meditation has proven the key to finding peace and joy.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help


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The Meditation Guidebook for Beginners.rar


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