Download Byzantium: The Empire of New Rome by Cyril Mango (.PDF)

Byzantium: The Empire of New Rome by Cyril MangoRequirements: .ePUB, .PDF reader, 84 MBOverview: Examining Byzantine life from the point of view of the average citizen, a noted historian deals with language, social and economic conditions, the disappearance and revival of cities, education, monasticism, and the Byzantine literary, artistic, and architectural legacy.Genre: Non-Fiction > History […]

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Download Why America Is Not a New Rome by Vaclav Smil (.ePUB)

Why America Is Not a New Rome by Vaclav SmilRequirements: .ePUB reader, 3 MBOverview: America’s post—Cold War strategic dominance and its pre-recession affluence inspired pundits to make celebratory comparisons to ancient Rome at its most powerful. Now, with America no longer perceived as invulnerable, engaged in protracted fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, and suffering the […]

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