Download The Lies We Tell by Cassandra Diviak (.ePUB)

The Lies We Tell (Love at Royal Ridge Book 1) by Cassandra Diviak
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.6 Mb
Overview: All’s fair in love and war, even a few little white lies to stir up a little drama.
Giselle Courtland imagined her future revolving around a simple housewife life with her high school sweetheart, James. But when James unceremoniously dumped her for not being sophisticated enough, her certainty and self-confidence were shattered. Giselle didn’t know how to pick up the pieces until someone she once knew returned to her life with a proposition.
Jude Beauregard had all the makings of a modern gentleman, complete with his focus solely on his studies. With his head in the books and a largely private personality, his parents worried about him wasting his best years stuck in study mode. Tired of dodging suitors, Jude discovered a solution in Giselle’s recent split from his rival and an opportunity to fix a wrong from their high school years.
So, with one little lie, Jude and Giselle declare themselves a couple, planning to play lovestruck until they get what they need. But neither could anticipate how their arrangement might uncover old feelings throwing a twist in their fake relationship.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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