Download The Lettered Affair 1 by Alice Ayden (.ePUB) (.MOBI)

The Lettered Affair 1 (The Bering Sisters) by Alice Ayden
Requirements: ePUB MOBI Reader, 691 Kb
Overview: Cassandra and Juliana are the Bering Sisters living in Regency England, 1810. When the dying Earl of Abbotden convinces Cassandra, his eldest daughter, to marry the heir of the entail, the Earl dies knowing his family and estate are safe. Being a faithful wife comes easy to the dutiful Cassandra. Her mother died giving birth to her, and Cassandra has spent her life trying to live up to her beloved mother’s memory by always doing the right thing. Everything changes when Cassandra’s new husband introduces her to Lord Halithorpe. When she receives a letter from him, Cassandra is devastated she can love anyone other than her husband.
Juliana is the exact opposite of her duty bound sister. Born from an ill-fated second marriage, she is carefree and confident and refuses to see her sister settle for a loveless marriage. She ignores society’s rules that bind Cassandra’s future and struggles with her own growing attraction for Lord Kemnay, Lord Halithorpe’s handsome cousin. Against Cassandra’s wishes, Juliana schemes to unite Lord Halithorpe with her sister. Juliana does not believe her actions will ruffle anything more than society’s antiquated rules, but her meddling causes a chance meeting between Juliana’s sadistic mother and Lord Halithorpe’s infamous brother. The vindictive duo plots revenge against their families and ignites a dangerous obsession that threatens more than Cassandra’s reputation or Juliana’s future.
Genre: Historical Romance


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