Download The Legends of the Saints by Hippolyte Delehaye (.PDF)

The Legends of the Saints: An Introduction to Hagiography by Hippolyte Delehaye, V.M. Crawford
Requirements: .PDF reader, 22.2 mb
Overview: For those who, whether as matter of duty or devotion, are accustomed to recite Divine Office with its historical lessons, for those again who as the Church’s local representatives are often asked to explain difficulties regarding the cultus of the Saints, for all, in fine, who take an interest in the discussions upon pagan survivals provoked by so many of our modern folk-lorists, it has been thought that a translation of Father Delehaye’s Légendes Hagiographiques would be likely to prove a welcome addition to the Westminster Library. The Editors accordingly have felt no hesitation in including in the series a work which has everywhere won high commendation abroad from scholars of all shades of opinion. The translation has been made by Mrs. V. M. Crawford from the second edition of the French original, and has been carefully revised in passing through the press. Nothing has been added save a few bibliographical references kindly suggested by the author himself.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Biographies & Memoirs


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