Download The knight Watcher by Holly Roberds (.ePUB)+

The knight Watcher (5 Riders Novella) by Holly Roberds
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 1.5MB
Overview: She was given one job. Stand by and do nothing. Yet it may be the one thing she can’t do. Diana was sent by her Order to bear witness. She is to remain invisible. She is not to intervene. When she royally screws that up, and loses her only means to get home, she must rely on the man she was sent to watch to keep her safe. As a Chevalier, Gregory’s sole purpose is to hunt the dark creatures from the Stygian. After a mystery girl stumbles in, botching the job, he must drag her along to use her as bait to finish his mission. Soon Diana realizes the event she has been sent to witness may be Gregory’s death. Except now, she isn’t so sure she can stand by and watch the man she is falling for die.
Don’t miss the exciting beginning to "The Five Orders" series.
Genre: Fiction > Romance > Paranormal


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