Download The Infernal Aether by Peter Oxley (.ePUB)

The Infernal Aether by Peter Oxley (The Infernal Aether #1)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 515 kB
Overview: “I am in every shadow behind every door. I am every nightmare you never quite remember. I am that itching feeling at the back of your neck but when you look round there’s no one there. You are but mayflies to me, flickering and dying in the blink of an eye. I am Andras. I am forever, and this is my world!”

London, 1865. Betrayed by his closest friend and rapidly drinking his way through his inheritance, Augustus Merriwether Potts returns to London to find himself drawn into an underworld of demons, ghosts and clockwork men. He is thrust into this world thanks to the reckless curiosity of his older brother Maxwell, a talented inventor; Kate, their somewhat unconventional maidservant; and N’yotsu, a paranormal investigator with powers every bit as supernatural as the creatures they pursue.

The creation of a portal to a terrifying otherworld known as the Aether heralds the start of a demonic invasion, and Mankind’s salvation rests with this unlikely group of heroes. They must overcome not only the demonic forces ranged against them but also terrifying truths from their own pasts as they seek to overcome the threats emanating from that mysterious realm: The Infernal Aether.
Genre: Science Fiction > Steampunk


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