Download The Hummingbird by Sandro Veronesi (.ePUB)

The Hummingbird by Sandro Veronesi
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1005 KB
Overview: Marco Carrera, the protagonist of the new novel by Sandro Veronesi, is the hummingbird. His is a life of continuous suspensions but also of fatal coincidences, of atrocious losses and absolute loves. He never falls to the bottom: his is an incessant movement to remain still, steadfast, and when this is not possible, to find the stopping point of the fall – so that surviving does not mean living less.

Around him, Veronesi builds other unforgettable characters, who inhabit perfect fictional architecture. A whole world, in a liquid time that extends from the early seventies to a gloomy near future, when suddenly the fruit of Marco Carrera’s resilience will shine: she is a child, her name is Miraijin, and she will be the new man.

A powerful novel, which enchants and moves, about the poignant force of life.
Genre: Fiction > General Fiction/Classics


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