Download The Hitler Myth by Juliet Maxwell (.MOBI)

The ‘Hitler Myth’: How Hitler Got Framed By The ‘Hitler Myth’ Which Paved The Path For The Legitimization of The Nazi Policy by Juliet Maxwell
Requirements: .MOBI reader, 271 KB
Overview: Did Hitler want a world dominion? Does it matter if Goebbels or Hitler was behind the ‘Hitler Myth’? What role did propaganda with terror and violence play in the National Socialist rise to power and how did the Nazi policy aim to subjugate people and destroy all opposition? This book engages the myriad of ideas and prejudices that fed National Socialism and the components that made up the ‘Hitler myth’ and further delves into explore how the two were linked together. Find out more how the ‘Hitler myth’ was formed and how it fit into the specific historical context of Germany in The Third Reich in the 1940’s under the Hitler regime. This book goes into a systematic and coherent discussion of the popularity of the Fuhrer image and his world view or Weltanschauung and the Nazi ideology of the volk and how Hitler’s ideas of anti-Semitism formed. It further discusses how Goebbels’ techniques in propaganda helped to effectively integrate the Hitler myth into the Fuhrer image and glorify his heroic leadership by promoting Hitler as a representative of the will of the people because the Fuhrer’s will embodied the will of the nation.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Biographies & Memoirs


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