Download The Haitian Assassin by R.J. Patterson (.ePUB)(.AZW3)

The Haitian Assassin by R.J. Patterson (Titus Black Thriller series Book 11)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 721 kb
Overview: One man’s illusion is another man’s reality.

As Titus Black begins to dismantle the remnants of the deviant Fullgood Initiative, he invites new trouble—and this time it’s personal.

Stumbling into a situation that leaves the lives of one of the Phoenix Foundation team members hanging in the balance, Black must figure out a way to stop the man hellbent on removing world leaders who won’t acquiesce to his impossible demands. With time short, Black must weigh the cost of an important decision that will either end the life of one of his closest allies or kill thousands of innocent people.
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


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