Download The Groundskeeper series by Cedar Sanderson (.ePUB)

The Groundskeeper series by Cedar Sanderson (1-3)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.5mb
Overview: Cedar Sanderson’s long and checkered career started with being paid in plants. Since then, she’s come to prefer money, and has tried many ways to earn it: balloon twister, face painter, children’s librarian, scientist, cosmetic chemist, author, artist, and many more. Currently she writes for a living with facts, and on the side she writes fiction for fun.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


1.Raking Up the Dead
The ghouls, wraiths, and ghosties had not been part of the job description. Or maybe they had, just not in so many words. The neatly printed sign next to the ornate gates had simply read “Cemetery groundskeeper and caretaker needed. Inquire within." Now Chloe’s trying to calm an irascible ghoul, help a lost ghost find his way back to his grave, and get the mowing done before she needs to break out the bush hog instead… Who knew being a groundskeeper meant trying to keep things in the ground?

2.The Hoodoo That You Do
Chloe’s job just got more complicated. This time, she’s leaving the cemetery, but not the undead, to help solve another mystery. Libraries are silent as a grave, aren’t they?

3.My Ghoul
Chloe Brandt got more than she bargained for when she took on the groundskeeper and caretaker position at the old cemetery of Belleview. Chloe is still learning just what her job duties at the big cemetery are, and how far they will take her. Just what mysteries are her responsibility? When the ghoul asks for help, she’s willing to try…

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