Download The Gods of Color by Gunnar Sinclaire (.ePUB)+

The Gods of Color by Gunnar Sinclaire
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 1.2 MB
Overview: In the year 2084, Europe has been overthrown by Islamic conquerors and colonists. A Hispanic nationalist movement has seized power in California and declared the state “Aztlan,” the mythic Aztec homeland. Nurtured by constitutional amendments and the blurring of church and state, the “diversity” movement of contemporary America has theologized into a religion called Divine Color. Divine Color’s greatest prophet and champion is the President of the United States, who institutes a draconian “Americanization” project to forcefully homogenize the U.S. population via biological manipulation. This “Americanization” consists of an injection that turns the skin gray, obliterates the indicia of race, and instills a slavish reverence for the president. The Gods of Color addresses the concerns of politically moderate and conservative readers wary of affirmative action, abrogation of First Amendment rights, projected demographic marginalization, the destruction of capitalism, the waning of Christianity, the erosion of Western culture, and the future disempowerment of the United States and European nations. Timely issues such as racial and religious persecution, nationalism, gender identity, politics, theology, and immigration are explored within the novel.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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