Download The Future Past by Mike Bowerbank (.ePUB)(.MOBI)+

The Future Past by Mike Bowerbank
Requirements: ePUB / MOBI / AZW Reader, 1.2MB
Overview: It all started when a rookie American agent from the 21st Century got sent on what he thought was a routine mission to Canada to investigate a suspected arms trafficking ring masterminded by a nefarious weapons dealer named Arish Aziz.

John Davis – the agent in question – was not to know that his day would go from bad to worse so very quickly. He was briefed for his mission, but nowhere in the briefing was anything mentioned about him having to deal with a vigilante sociopath from New York City named Malcolm or the sociopath’s Canadian ex-girlfriend Mary, who seemed to have some anger and impulse-control issues. It also completely declined to mention that John would start hearing a voice inside his head that addressed him in the third person. His briefing also left out the fact that the entire fabric of reality as he knew it would be unravelled, and that he would end up in the year 1812.

This version of 1812 he found himself in was certainly very different from how he had remembered it from history class in high school. They are faced with wondering how this world became the way it was, and whether or not there is any way to set things back to the way they are supposed to be. Often, all it takes for history to take a drastic turn is one relatively minor event. One such event had occurred, and as a result their continent and reality were completely unrecognizable. Can they discover what that event was? If they can, is there anything they can do about it? Or will their actions only make the world they knew forever irretrievable?
Genre: Fiction, Sci-fi / Fantasy, alternate history


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