Download The Transgender Studies Reader by Susan Stryker (.ePUB)+

The Transgender Studies Reader, edited by Susan Stryker and David Whittle (2006)Requirements: .ePUB, .PDF reader, 9.4mbOverview: Transgender studies is the latest area of academic inquiry to grow out of the exciting nexus of queer theory, feminist studies, and the history of sexuality. Because trans people challenge our most fundamental assumptions about the relationship between bodies, […]

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Download Among the Eunuchs A Muslim Transgender Journey by Leyla Jagiella

Among the Eunuchs A Muslim Transgender Journey by Leyla Jagiella (.ePUB)Requirements: .ePUB reader, 3,01Overview: From an early age, Leyla Jagiella knew that her life would be defined by two things: being Muslim and being trans. Struggling to negotiate these identities in her conservative, small German hometown, she travelled to India and Pakistan, where her life […]

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