Download The Freeuse Surprise by Dilana Rose (.ePUB)

The Freeuse Surprise by Dilana Rose (Freely Used For Christmas)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 459 KB
Overview: This Hotwife Will Get a Freeuse Surprise for Christmas

My husband forgave me for having a boyfriend – after all, we were on a break.
He certainly enjoyed watching his friends pop my balloons at Halloween – making my first-time hotwife adventure a wife sharing experience to remember.
Now, he’s planning a surprise for Christmas and has told me to research freeuse.

Seeing my ex-wife with her boyfriend was all it took for me to win her back and lock her down.
But my wife will never be satisfied with just my body. I need to share her or risk losing her.
Xanthe is the sexiest hotwife in the history of hotwives and I’ve got a surprise for her this Christmas.
It seems her ex-boyfriend understands all about freeuse and I’ve put him in control.
Genre: Fiction > Erotic


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