Download The Forgotten Stone by E.A. Winters (.ePUB)

The Forgotten Stone by E.A. Winters
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 647 kb
Overview: A clumsy tavern girl. A brutal society. One stone to save them both.

When Enouim makes a mistake that angers the land’s most ferocious warrior, she flees for her life – only to accidentally wind up on a quest she is entirely unprepared for.

Gorgenbrild, a society famed for its merciless warriors, is buckling under pressure. Trade routes have toppled one by one as enemies encircle the land. The renowned Canukke Topothain has been called forth to lead an elite band of warriors in a quest to find a legendary artifact that could turn the tide of the war.

Canukke is less than enthused to find an unqualified addition to his cadre, and Enouim must prove her worth or be tossed aside. With home no longer an option, Enouim claims the mission as her own in hopes of following in her father’s footsteps and uncovering a long-lost truth. As Enouim faces dangers she never imagined, she is forced to consider that everything she was ever taught about life and honor may be wrong.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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