Download The Forest of Forever by Rob Blackwell (.ePUB)

The Forest of Forever by Rob Blackwell (The Soren Chase, #01)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 531 KB
Overview: Soren Chase’s life was shattered eight years ago after an encounter with a supernatural being left three friends dead and him branded as a murderer. Since then, he’s become a paranormal investigator, facing off against a host of deadly creatures. But his investigation into the haunted Reapoke woods may be his most dangerous case yet.

Something evil is lurking in the forest. Some say it’s the ghost of a preacher who vanished two centuries ago; others claim the woods are the site of sinister experiments by a shadowy organization. Hired to find a missing girl, Soren is determined to learn the truth. But what he discovers is far darker than he imagines and it may force him to confront his own tragic past.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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