Download The Food Conspiracy: Eat Sh-t and Die by Casper Stith (.ePUB)

The Food Conspiracy: Eat Sh-t and Die (F-ck the Matrix Book 1) by Casper Stith
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 459 KB
Overview: The world’s food supply has been hijacked by profit-hungry megalomaniacs with no regard for the well-being of mankind.
The consumption of meat, dairy, fish, and egg-related foods, aka animal products, are responsible for the modern health epidemic, but you won’t hear that on the nightly news.
Doctors aren’t paid to provide nutritional advice – they’re paid to prescribe pills. The average medical student receives less than 25 hours of nutritional training throughout their entire medical school career, and we wonder why people are dying of health-related issues at an alarming rate.
With the cooperation of governments and mass-media, the manufactured benefits of animal products have been programmed into our subconscious.
Slogans such as – “Milk: It does a body good” – are built on a foundation of lies, false studies, and propaganda, yet so deeply ingrained that most will never question its validity.
We have been conditioned to believe that animal products as essential to survival, but instead they accelerate our decline.
Over fifty billion animals are slaughtered each year for our ‘benefit’. Unbeknownst to most, animal products are major contributors to heart disease, cancer, obesity, and almost every other malady plaguing mankind’s health.
Genre: Non-Fiction > General


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