Download The Final Frontier by Joel R. Campbell, Gigi Gokcek (.PDF)

The Final Frontier : International Relations and Politics Through Star Trek and Star Wars by Joel R. Campbell and Gigi Gokcek
Requirements: .PDF reader, 1.3 MB
Overview: The proposed book uses the Star Trek television/movie and Star Wars movie series to explain key international relations (IR) concepts and theories. It begins with an overview of the importance of science fiction in literature and film/television. It then presents the development of the Star Trek and Star Wars franchises, and discusses how their progression through time has illustrated key IR theories and concepts. As a bonus, it compares the two franchises to another recent science fiction franchise used to teach IR (Battlestar Galactica).

“This highly engaging and fun book is also a serious text that enables college instructors to utilize science fiction film to teach a myriad of concepts and abstract theories in political science and international relations, making these ideas accessible to students. Not only does this book serve as a guide on how to incorporate these specific films into courses, it also discusses a wider array of films, relates them to current events, and places this pedagogy firmly in the longer history of the richness of social and political themes abundant in science fiction literature and film.” – Mary Jane C. Parmentier, Arizona State University
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


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