Download The Fell Emperor Series by S.L. Hadley (.ePUB)

The Fell Emperor Series (#1-2) by S.L. Hadley
Requirements: .ePUB Reader | 1.1 MB
Overview: S.L. "Steph" Hadley is a writer with a very particular set of skills. Skills acquired over a fairly short career. Skills that make Steph’s books full of steamy fantasies for people like you.
Men and women tied up for mutual pleasure? Willingly used by all sorts of people… and creatures? Or perhaps just a blissful, fated encounter?
Whether you like your stories romantic and innocent… or filthy and raunchy, there’s something for everyone here!
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy > Dark Fantasy

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1. Fell Emperor: Submission (The Fell Emperor Book 1)
For centuries, the world has suffered beneath the authority of the Fell Emperor and the might of his Crypt. Empowered by dark, eldritch forces, he and his sister, the Fell Empress, have crushed the mortal kingdoms under heel. But even the eternal can be defied by the bold and foolish.
And yet, despite his immortal reign, the Emperor’s flesh-bound desires remain. And for a god surrounded by countless devotees, opportunities for debauchery exist everywhere.

2. Fell Emperor: Domination (The Fell Emperor Book 2)
For centuries, the world has suffered beneath the authority of the Fell Emperor and the might of his Crypt. Empowered by dark, eldritch forces, he and his sister, the Fell Empress, have crushed the mortal kingdoms under heel. But even the eternal can be defied by the bold and foolish.
And yet, despite his immortal reign, the Emperor’s flesh-bound desires remain. And for a god surrounded by countless devotees, opportunities for debauchery exist everywhere.
Now that the sanctity of the Crypt has been violated, it is time for the Emperor and his Court to reassert their authority. And when dealing with a rebellious king and his beautiful daughter, there is only one option that matters.

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