Download The Farpool series by Philip Bosshardt (.ePUB) (.MOBI)

The Farpool series by Philip Bosshardt (Books 1~2)
Requirements: ePUB MOBI Reader, 3.3 Mb & 1.6 Mb
Overview:Philip Bosshardt is a native of Atlanta, Georgia. He works for a large company that makes products everyone uses…just check out the drinks aisle at your grocery store. He’s been happily married for over 20 years. He’s also a Georgia Tech graduate in Industrial Engineering. He loves water sports in any form and swims 3-4 miles a week in anything resembling water. He and his wife have no children. They do, however, have one terribly spoiled Keeshond dog named Kelsey.
For details on his series Tales of the Quantum Corps,
Genre: Science Fiction

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The Farpool: Teen-agers Chase and Angie witness a waterspout off Scotland Beach, Florida. After it’s gone, they investigate a whirlpool nearby. They spot two marine animals, clad in suits. The creatures blind them with some kind of device, then disappear into the whirlpool. The teen-agers are trapped in the vortex and wind up catapulted six thousand light years, to an ocean world called Seome. The Seomish call it the Farpool. It’s a wormhole. Chase and Angie arrive in this world, riven by conflict, wracked by sound and vibration from a base on a small island, a base set up by Umans, star-faring descendants of the teenagers’ own human race. The Umans operate a Time Twister. The Umans are fighting off a malevolent enemy called the Coethi; one of the effects of the Twister is the Farpool.
Now Chase and Angie find themselves in the midst of an existential crisis, a race against time and destiny. Chase wants to stay behind, to learn more about this amazing world and to help his new–found Seomish friends defend themselves. Angie wants to go home. But the challenge is this: Farpool depends on the Twister working. If it’s shut down, the wormhole will be gone. Chase and Angie now must decide: stay with their new found Seomish family, or attempt to go back through the Farpool before it’s closed forever.
The decision may send them back through time and space to their home world. But the same decision may well doom their Seomish friends to complete annihilation at the hands of the Coethi.
It will be the hardest decision Chase and Angie have ever made.

Marauders of Seome: The Ponkti have sent mercenaries and agents through the Farpool and wound up in mid-20th century Earth… in the middle of a great war…in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. They witness a U-boat attack on a convoy off America’s East Coast. This intrigues them. Ponkti are always intrigued by conflict and combat…they are an aggressive kel and they believe the combatants have technology that will help them dominate their home world of Seome. Not only that, they are looking for any advantage they can gain on this new world, because their world is doomed…their own sun is dying.
A great emigration must begin soon and the water clans of Seome are jockeying for position and advantage to secure the most favorable places and times. Chase Meyer, now a long-term hybrid resident on Seome misses his girlfriend Angie Gilliam, back on Earth, and uses an official mission from the clan he has joined to find her and coax her to come to Seome. He soon learns that the entire emigration effort—to send thousands of Seomish through the gateway to the oceans of Earth—is imperiled because the Ponkti have made alliance with the Nazis in a different time stream…World War II. The Ponkti have brought German U-boat technology back to Seome and threaten to disrupt the Farpool and the emigration effort for everybody, in their efforts to dominate their doomed world.
Only Chase and Angie, and their unlikely accomplice, German Kriegsmarine officer Werner von Kleist, can stop this alliance from preventing the emigration. If they don’t succeed, all of Seomish civilization will be obliterated when their sun goes supernova. And if they do succeed, thousands of Seomish will soon appear in the oceans of Earth, refugees from their lost world. For Chase and Angie, two teenagers separated by six thousand light years and different ideas on how to make a life together, the decisions they make will affect the survival of two worlds and the fate of millions of people.
It will be the hardest decision they’ve ever made.

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