Download The False Fat Diet by Elson M. Haas (.ePUB)

The False Fat Diet: The Revolutionary 21-Day Program for Losing the Weight You Think Is Fat by Elson M. Haas, Cameron Stauth
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 3.9 MB
Overview: It’s a medical fact: not all weight is really fat. Much of being overweight is caused by allergy-like food reactions. This “false fat” is easy to put on, but it can be hard to take off. Now you can do it–this week–with The False Fat Diet.

All foods have chemical reactions within your body, and some foods just “don’t agree with you.” These foods cause body swelling and facial puffiness that look like fat. They can also make you feel listless and ill. With the revolutionary False Fat Diet, you cut out these foods and substitute others, following a no-hunger eating strategy. As your false fat melts away, you can lose 5-10 pounds in just a few days–and 10-20 pounds within two or three weeks. Then your metabolism will finally be able to burn true fat–efficiently and steadily–and keep it off.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Food & Drink


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