Download The Elephant, Tiger & Cell Phone by Shashi Tharoor (.ePUB)

The Elephant, the Tiger & the Cell Phone by Shashi Tharoor
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 2.16 MB
Overview: We Indians are often so starved for some metric – any metric, really – of validation that we blindly embrace Indians of all stripes residing outside India. What else could explain our head-long rush to claim Bobby Jindal as one of our own while demonstrating obvious restraint for Mr. Shashi Tharoor? (For those readers who may not know Mr. Jindal, he is the Indian-American governor of the US state of Louisiana.) Unarguably, and just as unfortunately, present the names of Mr. Jindal and Mr. Tharoor to any Indian in the US and the chances are better than even that they have pride in Mr. Jindal while drawing blanks when Mr. Tharoor’s name is mentioned. This is an egregious sin, for Mr. Tharoor revels in being an Indian as much as Mr. Jindal repudiates it. This revelry in all things Indian is evident in Mr. Tharoor’s latest book.
Genre: Social Sciences, Humanities


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